This is the second episode of this series that I have commented on. As I sat watching this episode I asked myself "how can I not write about this?" The writers couldn't have packed much more in the way of New World Order forward planning in to one episode.
The series, for anyone reading that does not know the show is set in an arctic region (precise location not specified) in a research facility that deals with deadly viruses. After an "outbreak", which was actually an experiment gone wrong the Center for disease control (CDC) are called in to control the situation. The facility is run by a private corporation, is beyond the grasp of international law and carries out work that is completely unregulated.
This episode begins with the arrival of the private corporations chief operations officer Constance Sutton with a small private army. The company that they work for is the Alurias Corp. part of Arctic Biosystems. After introducing herself and urging Dr Farragut to find a cure she asks to speak to Dr Hatake in private. Here we begin to learn what is going on and who is behind it. Sutton throws a book (throws the book?) at him and grabs him, angry that he has created the virus but not the cure. Both are needed, she goes on to explain because they don't want to kill everybody, they just want to "thin the herd". Hitake adds "... and rule them."
It turns out that the CDC have been lured there so that their expertise can be used to find a cure. Constance shows an interest in Narvik B, the virus that is turning people into black goo making infection machines. She makes it clear that once they have what they want nobody is getting out alive. There are even plans and people in place to explain away what happened to the CDC members.
The next strand of the plot revolves around Ballesteros who is some kind of Army under cover person. He was left for dead in the snow by Daniel, Hatake's adopted son and found by a woman called Anana (Luciana Carro). We see them in the snow heading for the base. Meanwhile Alan shares his concerns about Sutton with his recently seduced assistant Dr Sara Jordan. They realise that there is no reason for Sutton and her army to be there as the CDC are already cleaning up. They know they are likely to be "cleaned up" themselves. As Dr Jordan says :
"Big Pharma, they're only interested in the bottom line, they don't care about people." which Farragut replies :
"... and who knows how far they would go to protect their investment".
They wisely decide to keep the cure to themselves when they find it.
Story three of the narrative follows Dr Walker as she goes around level R. She keeps seeing flashing lights and getting headaches. She examines her reflection in a mirror and sees that she looks normal. There are no signs of infection. When she gets pain in her head, however, her eyes change. They become metallic grey in colour. It makes her look feline or something else non human, or, more than human. She thinks that she has antibodies that are fighting the infection when in actual fact she has changed. Next, Daniel tells Hiroshi that Sutton is trying to turn him against his dad. Hatake tells him he needs to get to Walker first as he believes that Sutton will kill her. He has the advantage of secret passages to use.
Dr Walker transforms |
When Ballesteros and Anana arrive at the base Daniel sees them on a monitor. Ballesteros goes for him. Anana calls him "Miksa" and tells him she is his sister and he was snatched by Hatake. Down on level R Dr Walker is walking round with her eyes covered when she is approached by one of the infected. She is almost set upon but a scream elsewhere distracts the infected woman. She returns however, but runs when Walkers eyes change. While this is going on Sutton questions Hatake concerning his attachment to Julia Walker. He downplays it. She is determined to go and find Waklker and shows her own silver grey eyes. Hitake heads off to beat her to Walker.
When Farragut sees Ballesteros he goes for him because he killed Dr Boyle. Sutton takes Ballesteros away for "debriefing" (yes, you can tell what is coming). She is angry because he has gone off mission. The mission he was given was to find evidence that Hatake was "off the rails". Then they clinch but as I said you know that is coming because script writers are not very original. Even in a base isolated by extreme conditions they have to chuck in some sex. Mind you, Helix stays on the right side of decent, doing just enough to let you know what went on. Still, not necessary for this story.
Despite warming Ballesteros's dangly bits for him she keeps him confined in isolation because he has a disruptive influence. At this time Hatake has caught up with Walker. He is worried about her and as he bandages her eyes he is crying. Yes, we have been building up towards learning that perhaps he is her father. This means that he must have implanted false memories in her of a false childhood. Farragut and the Sutton army are on their way. They find that level R shows all the signs of a riot. They make their way to R17. Hatake tells Walker that Suitton is on her way to kill her. He leads her back upstairs through his passage way. The SWAT team don't get far before they are set upon. The infected (vectors, as the show refers to them) outnumber the proposed rescue team who are forced to fall back, leaving the injured behind. Farragut becomes a twat at this point going all macho and "I must find Julia" but he changes his mind when Sutton threatens the life of Dr Jordan.
Ananas fills "Miksa" in on his family history, which freaks him out. He knows nothing about the other children brought to the base or what happened to them. Hatake arrives back with Walker. Daniel confronts him and introduces his sister. He sends Walker back to the lab. He gives her a small box. He desperately tries to tell her something. Sutton tells Farragut forget Walker and get on with finding a cure. In the lab, Julia opens the box to find contact lenses. Farragut finds her. He notices her eyes. Jordan looks on.
The episode ends with the vectors breaking out of containment.
Arctic Biosystems private army arrives |
WOW!. Some major themes to analyze here. When Sutton takes Hatake aside near the start of the episode we learn of an elitist plot to, as Sutton put it "thin the herd". The biggest aim of our own elite is to depopulate the globe. I'm sure that anyone that reads my stuff knows about the Georgia Guidestones and know of quotes made by such people as Kissenger and the Duke of Edinburgh about depopulation, and of the Gates Foundation offering vaccines for those that will undergo birth control and not for those who won't. Believe me, there are lunatics in our world that want to get rid of up to 80% of us so that they can claim the whole world as their own.In the show, the drug that was being worked on was called Narvik A and was supposed to infect people and kill them. The second strain, Narvik B was found to make the infected patients violent and able to display super human strength coupled with a strong compulsion to spread their infection. This parallels reality again, as ways in which to weaponise germs has been a long quest of variuos world powers (whom you must remember all work for the same people). Big Pharma is also known to release drugs on to the market place that have dangerous side effects and create bigger problems for users than their actual illness. This is what is signified by the infected people on the base.We then learn that Arctic Biosystems are powerful enough to kill off the CDC members and have people placed in positions that could easily explain it away. This refers to practices such as having employees infiltrate other organizations to control them up to and including the government. Add to this blackmailing and bribing people and you have the modus operandi of the elite.
The story next covers missing children. Over the years 32 children have been taken from the surrounding villages. They are obviously experimented on but no details have yet been given. One of the rumours that is connected to the illuminati (elite) is that they abduct children to be put in to the MK ultra mind control program to be turned in to beta sex kittens, assassins, soldiers or messengers. This is done by creating "alters", which are seperate personalities buried behind the main one that can be activated by hypnotic suggestion. In this way they can use people who may never know what they have actually done. Another aspect of this kind of control is implanting false memories. Both Julia Walker and Daniel have had this done. Daniel was in actual fact a local, but his memory of his previous life was wiped clean and replaced by one planted by Hatake that he had found him and adopted him. Julia has memories of her childhood, but they are limited and she can't remember any family. In a previous episode she found her initials and a picture of a flower done by her as a child. As yet, however she has not woke up to her real history.
The changing eyes are also significant. When transformed the victims eyes look colder and less human. This represents the trans human agenda: the desire of the elite to enhance their bodies' strength to fight infection and even to seek immortality. I am sure that somewhere on the net someone will be writing about this and equating the eyes with reptilian people. This is because of people like David Icke who misunderstand the term "Lizard Brain". This is the oldest part of our brain and is responsible for our survival instincts when in danger. It controls fight and flight impulses. When this area is larger in people it makes them more self centered, greedy and less empathetic towards others. Some psychiatrists also think that it makes people more likely to be psychopaths. This describes the elites outlook and explains why they act the way that they do. What it does NOT mean is that these people are lizards in human bodies. Excuse me while I take a half hour break for some hysterical laughter. Shape shifting Lizard people, Mr Icke? Seriously? F**K OFF!
In the show we see that Arctic Biosystems not only own the experiments being done, they have the Army in their pocket as well as the CDC. This parallels the situation in real life, as already mentioned where corporations put their people in key positions in order to get away with the evil, self serving things that they do. We also have a bit of typical sexism. Just like in the show Intelligence this show puts a woman in charge. The only reason this is done is to give us the impression that a) women are rising to the top jobs in corporations (in reality actually about 1% of women are board members) and b)to make women seem complicit in the evils that are invariably done by white men of European origin. Almost all cruelty and evil is the work of men.
The setting itself is symbolic.The scientists in the arctic isolation represents their aloofness from the rest of us. They think that they are superior to us, that their scientific training sets them apart. That is why scientists have no problem with playing god, tinkering with dangerous and poisonous things to create ways of killing people. If they are left unregulated not only do they work with deadly viruses they keep quiet about it. If, therefore there ever is a leak from one of these places we are all going to die and think it is a "mystery" disease. Bear in mind in the real world these places are not all in the Arctic. There is a germ warfare lab in Porton down in Wiltshire, UK and Plum Island in the USA. Either of these places could contaminate the local population and beyond if there was a leak, planned or accidental. The reason a corporation would choose a place like the arctic is not for the safety of the population, it is to keep prying eyes away. It is also easier to destroy if something goes wrong. As Sutton says to Hatake "Nobody gets out alive".
Corporations and scientists, I should qualify that statement as some scientists as they are not all harbingers of doom, don't care what damage they do as long as they get the result that they want. We are expendable. The corporation is the glue that binds together the armed forces, science and politics. They sell their poison using the mass media that they also own and assure people of the rigorous testing that is done before their new poison is released on to the market. While they are doing that, it serves to make money to furthar research in to methods of mass murder.
In the last scene we see the infected escape from isolation. This symbolizes what happens when dangerous pathogens are played with. The infected cannot be contained and the virus they carry gets in to the population. Scientists may think they are god but all they do is create evil and destruction. No matter how they try, if they perfect anything like the virus in this show it will not be contained. Only the elite will have a cure, the rest of us will die a horrible death. I have recently blogged about Avian flu and the never ending attempts of scientists to get it to cross over and infect humans. Add to that GM foods with the goodness removed and the state of our so called fresh water you can see how easily we could succomb to such a disaster.
To conclude: This episode features scientists at the top of the world, in isolation, representing their aloofness and disregard for human safety and their desire to "do what they wilt" without regulation from people that they see as inferior. There is only one reason such research is carried out and that is to perfect a virus that will aid in depopulating the earth. Avian flu would seem to be where they are focussing their efforts although this could be a red herring meant to distract us from what they are really doing.
So is this harmless fiction or predictive programming? Given what is going on in the world at present I would say the latter. We can only hope that people continue to become more aware of what is happening and put a stop to it. People put a stop to escalating tensions in Syria and are standing up worldwide to Monsanto. Long may we live and hopefully we will soon rid ourselves of the parasitic state and their elite.
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