Saturday, 21 July 2012




This episode of the popular Ancient Aliens examines whether aliens have intervened in

mankind's development and if they are responsible for some "natural" disasters.

The program looks at disasters such as the Japanese Tsunami, the biblical flood and even

meteor strikes as possibly being under alien control. According to the Kyoto News Agency

there was increased UFO activity just after the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit

Japan. David Childress, a show regular posed the question: are aliens interested in how we

handle life changing events or, rather, do they cause them?

The discourse turns to using the weather as a weapon. The Haiti earthquake was given as a

possible example. It was the worst earthquake to hit the country in 200 years. Strange balls

of light
were reported here as well prior to the quake. Were these balls of light, asks the

narrator alien craft, there to cause something to happen, or gasses escaping from the


Next, cloud seeding is touched upon and shown to be weather control that has been verified,

with evidence of its use in Vietnam provided. (I once remember reading that the Russian

authorities sanctioned its use to ensure that there was no rain during a scheduled open air

concert by Paul Mc Cartney!) A USAF report, entitled "Owning the Weather" looks at ways to

control the weather and even amplify it and turn it into a weapon.

Finally the program examines the worldwide legends of a global flood and asks if it was the

work of aliens who had tired of humans and damned them to a watery grave. The theory is that

in the past earth was visited by extra-terrestrials who genetically modified one of our

ape-like ancestors and created us as a slave race to work for them. Essentially the program

is an exploration of the work of Zecharia Sitchen, one of the few people that could

interpret Sumerian cuneiform and wrote of our beginnings according to the translations he had

made from clay tablets. The story goes that humans became more self aware and didn't much

like being slaves. It is said that our creators were struck by the beauty of earth women,

who they took as partners and created a half breed known as the Nephilim. The Nephilim were

giants and said to be depraved so the Annunaki decided that they had to go.

Although there is footage of disaster damage  shown  there is little evidence available of UFO's at the

scene. The lights could equally be something natural but as yet not understood. The evidence

appears stronger concerning a great flood. There is growing evidence presented by such

people as Cremo and Thompson that such an event took place. When looking at the facts as

interpreted by Sitchen, however, it has to be remembered that by his own admission the

account that he gives is based on the literal interpretation of myths: he does not see them

as fables passed down verbally through generations but as historical facts. This means that

to accept what he says requires a leap of faith, as with religions he has no solid proof.

As an aside, I would just like to mention that in his last taped lecture Zecharia Sitchen

discussed Niburu, (or Planet X if you prefer), and stated quite emphatically that the time

scale involved makes it impossible for Niburu to be returning into our space in 2012 and was

at pains to point out that there is absolutely no connection between Niburu and the Mayan

Calender. See it for yourself (I hour and 32minutes in).


I was disappointed, however with the way that using the weather as a weapon was handled. How

can any discussion about weather manipulation fail to mention HAARP? Or, for that matter

Chemtrails? Both of these are shrouded in mystery and are linked with weather manipulation.

Surely the program should have been ready to ask: are these also tools of an extra -

terrestrial race? Perhaps western governments would like us to believe they are the work of

aliens, because they are not exactly forthcoming with any information telling us what is

going on.

Despite my reservations about the above omission I still enjoyed the show, and consider it

to be one of the History Channels best offerings. It has great entertainment value and some

controversy and always has good footage of the worlds ancient sites. Good stuff!

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